Positive Psychology coach


Multi-dimensional success!

BOOK a discovery session today!

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Are silent struggles impacting your personal and professional life?

Even the most successful individuals face silent struggles. Whether it's navigating personal challenges, overcoming professional hurdles, or seeking greater fulfillment, having a trusted Positive Psychology Coach can make all the difference.
I specialize in supporting accomplished professionals like you. My coaching approach, grounded in positive psychology, is designed to empower you to overcome obstacles and achieve new heights.

Book a discovery session today to discover and achieve more personal success!

Using positive psychology – the science of human flourishing – here’s what you’ll get:

A safe space to let it all out – finally!

In the midst of all the chaos, you feel unheard and unseen. Not anymore. Share your feelings. Express your emotions. Discuss your thoughts. Without any fears of being judged. I am here to listen empathetically and understand.

Crystal clarity on issues holding you back

Wave goodbye to endless confusion and uncertainty. Gain a holistic understanding of the issues that hold you back from living a purposeful, meaningful, and happier life you desire and deserve.

Help with setting your goals

The next level of your life, the one in which you achieve unparalleled success, financial freedom, and greater fulfillment demands a different you. Together, we’ll set smart goals to enhance your skills, become more confident, and win.

Tailored action-plan & support

Get a concrete roadmap consisting of specific actions you need to take to breathe life into your vision and achieve your goals, coupled with the positive reinforcement, accountability, and guidance you need, when you need it.

Remember, you don’t have to stay where you are

You deserve to give your all and be your all-without compromising your worth! Let me show you how. Are you standing at one of those turning points, wondering which path to take? Here’s how I can help!

Lacking clarity, confidence, and focus?

My approach will help crystalize your goals, enhance your confidence, and sharpen your focus to bring your vision to life.

Overwhelmed by inner doubts and negative self-talk?

With my expertise in positive psychology, I'll equip you with tools to overcome these mental barriers, paving the way for positive self-perception and inner strength.

Feeling stuck in a personal and professional rut?

You're not alone. I will help you make positive changes in life to reach new heights by combating your self-limiting beliefs.

Unable to share your true ambitions in a safe space?

I provide a compassionate and non-judgmental space for you to express and understand yourself better, fostering genuine self-expression where you can let your guard down.

Grappling with self-imposed high standards and expectations?

You know you have it in you, but you feel intimidated or stressed out by your goals. Together, we will navigate and balance life’s challenges, creating a sense of achievement and contentment.

About Me

I’m Tania Russell, your Positive Psychology Coach and dedicated partner in your journey toward fulfillment, success, and self-discovery. As a board-certified coach and ICF member with a Master’s in Positive Psychology, I am committed to helping every woman achieve her goals and uncover her true self in a safe and nurturing environment where vulnerability is honored, and authenticity is celebrated.

For over a decade, I have had the privilege of guiding incredible women as they transform fear and uncertainty into powerful tools for achieving their dreams. My role is to create space in your life to face your deepest fears, set clear goals, and explore your most cherished aspirations.

As your empathetic listener and guide, I walk alongside you on your path to self-discovery and goal achievement, trusting that within you lies the wisdom and strength to succeed. 

Together, in the safe space we cultivate, you will thrive, embracing growth and evolving into the best version of yourself. You’ll excel in all areas of your life, meeting challenges with confidence and grace, and achieving the goals that matter most to you.

Take the first step!

Take the first step with me. My personalized coaching will empower you to transform challenges into stepping stones for success.

The psychology behind my methodology

Psychology of change

Combining coaching psychology with positive psychology, my approach is centered on creating lasting behavioral change and fostering human flourishing.

Building trust and clarity

In a safe, trusting environment, we confront fears and struggles. As a confidence coach, I help you break down barriers like fear, self-doubt, and procrastination, enhancing mental clarity.

Personalized strategies for fast results

My coaching is tailored to you, using evidence-based strategies for quick and effective change. Together, we will transform challenges into opportunities, cultivating strengths for your sustainable growth.

Kick-start your journey with a special gift

Reflect, plan, and commit to a life of self-accountability and empowerment. I'm excited to offer you a transformative tool: the Self-Contract Workbook. This complimentary download is designed to guide you in setting clear personal goals and intentions. Download your free copy now and begin the journey to a more fulfilled and empowered you.

Have questions? Ask Tania!

Your journey to empowerment is unique, and I'm here to guide you. Whether it's about our coaching journey together or just a query about positive psychology coaching, please feel free to connect. Every question is a step closer to the change you want in your life.

Out of 400 trillion lives that could have been born
YOU were chosen, and it's for a reason!



You have arrived at a remarkable moment in your life where you have the chance to reevaluate and transform your personal and professional journeys. You have the potential to conquer anything, and this momentary pause can be the perfect opportunity for you to assess where you are and where you want to go. You have the ability to rise above the current situation and take control of your life. Take some time for yourself to reflect on your aspirations, set achievable goals, and channel your energy and focus towards them. Remember that every big accomplishment starts with small steps, and with time, patience, and dedication, you will be able to achieve anything you set your mind to. Embrace this moment as a chance for growth and progress and trust that you are capable of creating a life filled with success and fulfillment.


I’ve empowered many driven & ambitious women just like you.

You are just one step away from joining them

“My experience has been great. I feel more organized, focused and motivated to push towards my goals. I like that there is balance of challenging, encouraging, and guiding in our sessions. I like that I have someone to hold me accountable and refine my thoughts for clarity. Thank you!”


“Working with Ms. Tania these last couple of weeks have been super helpful and life changing. She has helped me work through so much and see a lot of things from a different perspective. She has helped me to find ways to cope with my emotions and feelings in a more positive way. I am so grateful to have her in my life!”


“Tania is a delightful person to talk to. The genuine and compassion that she gives you is comforting. I can unwind and be myself with her without feeling peer pressured or judged. Then I leave with a weight lifted off my shoulder. There is much knowledge and wisdom that Tania can offer you.”
